What is pH and Why is it Important to Test?

Have you ever gone to the doctor to have your blood tested? Get your weight checked? Your blood pressure levels taken? Your heart and lungs checked?  All of these tests are important to help maintain a healthy lifestyle and to continually feel your best. But there is another test that is missing that could reveal A LOT when it comes to your overall health and wellness. That test is a pH test. What is pH and why is it important to test? pH stands for “particles of hydrogen” or “potential hydrogen” and is a symbol for the degree of acidity […]

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How to Focus on Yourself and Form Positive Habits

At some point in our lives we all need a little support, a time to reset, recharge and really feel good. And sometimes we don’t even recognize that we need that support. We become so used to the feeling of, “well, that’s life and I guess I just need to deal with it and get used to it”. But that doesn’t have to be the way you live your life! It’s not ok to feel stressed all the time. It’s not ok to feel so exhausted all the time. It’s not ok to feel overwhelmed and anxious all the time. […]

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10 Ways to Get a Better Night Sleep

When was the last time that you fell asleep with ease and woke up feeling completely refreshed? Chances are it’s been since sometime in March. If you’re suddenly having difficulty sleeping, you’re not alone. Continue reading to learn 10 ways to help you get a better night’s sleep. The current pandemic is taking a toll on us, but only if we let it. According to Today, “As social distancing guidelines stay in effect around the country and we continue to spend more time at home to slow the spread of the coronavirus, many people are saying they’re having more trouble sleeping and […]

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