I am a morning person. I love getting up early and getting as much stuff done as I can. However I sometimes struggle with what type of routine is best. Do I do some cleaning? Do I take that time to workout? Should I get some of my website and online work done?

It can be really tough to figure out what is the best way to start the day. Sometimes I mess around with what makes sense, allowing myself to be flexible with what my particular need is for that morning.

BUT there is one morning routine I have started doing for the past several weeks and I am LOVING it! It helps me to stay focused- not so much on what’s important for the house or the kids or for work, but what’s important to ME.

It can be easy as a Mom to put the needs of others first, adding in your needs last, if there’s time. But I think we would all admit that the best way to take care of our family, take care of our work, take care of our responsibilities is to FIRST take care of ourselves.

I am excited to share the morning routine that has made a difference for me. It incorporates a couple things that I want to accomplish in my day anyway, but it also includes a few things that I would love to include but don’t always give myself time to include.

This routine is inspired from an image I saw on Pinterest titled “The Miracle Morning Challenge” by Hal Elrod. The morning routine includes 6 main components and I’m going to break those down with some suggestions and tools to help set up your morning routine.

#1. Silence

Perfect time for peace, reflection, thought, meditation, prayer or deep breathing.

#2. Affirmation

I am a HUGE believer of positive self talk and speaking in a way that encourages and promotes positive thoughts and beliefs. As the saying goes: Be careful what you say to yourself because you’re listening. One way I enjoy working on my affirmations is to collect a bunch of affirmations and put them together in a list. I then record my voice reading the affirmations on a voice recorder (or your phone will work) and listen to them every morning when getting ready for the day.

Here is a free download of the affirmations that I have been using and saying:

#3. Visualization

In all my research, in the self improvement books I’ve read and the success stories I’ve heard, one thing is consistent: Visualization. It is SO IMPORTANT to visualize what it is you want, your action plan of how you will achieve it and how you will feel once achieved. A dream board is a great way to focus your visualization into pictures and words that mean something to you. Make sure to look at it several times a day. Take a picture of your board on your phone to have it with you or put it in your bathroom to look at while you brush your teeth.

Here are some great dream board/visualization exercises to help get you started:

#4. Exercise

I cannot stress how important it is to move your body EVERY DAY. I used to talk myself out of working out if I felt like I wasn’t going to get a good quality workout, one that included at least 15-20 minutes of cardio and some sort of strength component. I’ve come to realize that it’s better to work out everyday, even just a little bit, and be consistent about it than to only work out when I can get in a “meaningful” workout.

I do have a gym membership that I will try to utilize when possible. But for the majority of the week days I will work out at home. Whether it’s stretching, strength training, yoga, or cardio (on my broken elliptical machine but hey, it still pedals!)- just some sort of movement on most days will benefit you in so many ways! The two YouTube channels I love to use for my workouts are:

  • Denise Austin: I started using her workout tapes when I was in middle school -Thanks Mom!- and still enjoy her workouts!
  • Sarah Beth Yoga: I love the variety of videos that Sarah has, easy to follow and great for all yoga levels

#5. Reading

This is another habit that I’ve found successful people do to create the sort of lifestyle they are looking for. I really enjoy learning new concepts, exploring new ideas and trying different techniques to see what works for me personally. These are the books that have meant a lot to me:

#6. Scribing

This is where I take the time to write out my goals. I have a goal statement that I’ve put together for my business goals but I like the idea of writing out my goals every day. I found this article on Pinterest on how to set daily goals and I really enjoy writing out my goals every day as part of my morning.

With this morning checklist, the rest of my day is set up for success. My work is completed in the morning, any house chores are done after lunch using my cleaning checklist, and the afternoon is for my family and my blog.

Are you looking for some support and motivation to help get your morning routine started? Please reach out to me! I truly enjoy working with people one-on-one to set up their morning routine in a personalized format that works best for them.

I hope this morning routine helps you set up your day for success! Please leave a comment on your favorite morning routine idea to share.

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